The attached shows the pathway connections between Alopecia Areata with other autoimmune diseases.
*Rhematoid arthritis
*Celiac disease
*Multiple Sclerosis
*Type 1 Diabates
This just names a few. So this is why JAK inhibitors are being used on more than one of these diseases.
For example, Ethan did use Xeljanz and Olumiant as a JAK inhibitor which had show success with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriasis.
The next photo demonstrates who the JAK inhibitor tricks the cell receptor. This photo shows Dupixent on the cell receptors……Dupixent is typically used for Asthma.
I have tried some of the JAK inhibitors including Xeljanz, Olumiant, Dupixent in unison with prednisone (a steroid) and had some hair growth. Many patients are having major
Hair growth with this type of treatment.
There are risks with JAK inhibitors which sounds scary but are rare cases including infections, blood clots. If your patient is taking these medicines, blood work on a monthly basis may be required.
Ethan Stearns