National Alopecia Areata Foudation -Angela M. Christiano, Ph. D.
“What’s new in Research: Genetics & Immunology of Alopecia Areata
There are several Drug companies now focusing on treatments for Alopecia Areata since they are figuring out T-Cells and the relation to Type 1 Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis & Celiacs disease.

Through Leukemia research, scientists have been able to pinpoint specific T-Cells that multiply and create the expansion of the disease. Through this research, the same process is allowing T-Cell recognition and eradication for Alopecia Areata and cancer. This is very exiting news! Selective T-Cells can be killed with an antibody instead of a drug which just puts them to sleep. The Antibody is like a “Smart Bomb

The above graph shows the evil T-cells going after the hair molecule and it has to dock itself. Medicine used for Dry Eyes is can actually prevent this docking from happening! This is exciting news! Look for this to start being used on the skin in the next 2 years to see if it can cure Alopecia Areata instead of treating it!